Why isodezh Izogam?

about us

isodezh fortress on the roofs

isodezh Production Group was established in 2000 with the aim of producing various types of waterproofing in accordance with modern world standards.

for environmental reasons, quality, ease of use and easy transportation, isodezh products are known as a superior substitute for gypsum and asphalt among competitors. It has also been able to pass all the stages of testing by the consumer well and today with a well-equipped laboratory, research and development unit, experienced experts and educated and specialized managers, in the production of insulation with different applications, is in the category of best waterproofing and take the lead from other similar products.


Export of isogum

izogam is produced for export according to international standards and will cause prosperity, currency and increase employment.

purchasing orders from other countries are quickly reviewed and handled by experts. To produce isogum for export in different types, elements in terms of weight, coating and type of substrate are considered.

production of isodezh isogum for export to other countries is based on the same standards.

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